All about the quality
Since the beginning, I have always aimed to make the highest quality bags possible. This has meant countless hours looking for the not only the best materials possible, but also the best machines to do the job properly - sewing on Grandmas old Singer just won't cut it. I have an ever growing workshop, now with three sewing machines (nearly four), all set up to do a specific job and do it well.
There are now well over 500 Stealth bags out and about. To date, I have had 2 bags that have had things go wrong. One, a very early model seat bag which was replaced with an updated model which strengthened the area failure. The other was a stitch failure (potentially caused by overtightening). While a 0% failure rate would be fantastic, a 0.4% rate is pretty good I think.
While the fabric I have been using has been great, I have always wanted something a bit lighter, while still offering the same level of durability. It's finally here. 500D and 1000D Cordura® Nylon. This is much lighter and stronger than the old fabric while offering more durability. The fabric has both a DWR coating on the face of the fabric and a PU coating on the backside, making it very weather resistant. The old fabric was coated with a thick PVC coating which made the bags stiff, it also had no DWR coating.
I will have Black, Dark Grey, Red and Blue as standard colours, along with Multicam Black and Tropic. I will most likely have a few seasonal colours too, available in limited quantities of course. The 500D Cordura® will be used for the majority of the bags while the 1000D Cordura® will be used to reinforce where necessary.
There are now well over 500 Stealth bags out and about. To date, I have had 2 bags that have had things go wrong. One, a very early model seat bag which was replaced with an updated model which strengthened the area failure. The other was a stitch failure (potentially caused by overtightening). While a 0% failure rate would be fantastic, a 0.4% rate is pretty good I think.
While the fabric I have been using has been great, I have always wanted something a bit lighter, while still offering the same level of durability. It's finally here. 500D and 1000D Cordura® Nylon. This is much lighter and stronger than the old fabric while offering more durability. The fabric has both a DWR coating on the face of the fabric and a PU coating on the backside, making it very weather resistant. The old fabric was coated with a thick PVC coating which made the bags stiff, it also had no DWR coating.
I will have Black, Dark Grey, Red and Blue as standard colours, along with Multicam Black and Tropic. I will most likely have a few seasonal colours too, available in limited quantities of course. The 500D Cordura® will be used for the majority of the bags while the 1000D Cordura® will be used to reinforce where necessary.